SEP Hydrographic

SEP Hydrographic

This week we supported the launch of a new hydrographic survey company; SEP Hydrographic.

Web Design CRM Systems Social Media
SEP Hydrographic

The launch campaign combined a number of elements including a new website, CRM system, promotional video, brochures, email and social media activity, all executed within record time. 

A subsidiary of Survey and Engineering Projects, the company had initially decided to expand its existing site to accommodate the new business. However, it quickly became apparent that with the number of services and volume of content, SEP Hydrographic needed a dedicated website.

Starting out

Perhaps unusually, we started with a promotional launch video. The video gave the new business a personality that eventually followed through to the rest of the marketing communications. The video highlighted the services offered and sectors served, along with messaging relating to the company USPs. 

A brochure and presentation design quickly followed, which reflected the heritage of SEP, the experience of the leadership team and the innovation of the survey techniques. Having these pieces in place helped significantly with the website design, which was executed from start to finish within three weeks. 

Developing the website

We mapped out the main navigation and page structure and began to populate the content starting with the home page. As a B2B business offering technical services, the tone is informative, neutral and helpful. This tone is enhanced by the addition of a chat-bot linking to the company's CRM system.

The company USPs are visible throughout the website, highlighted with captioned image strips, hero images and relevant headings. The brochures and video content are readily available on the site to capture the most value from those resources.

Tripsite tour web presentation

CRM System

To kickstart the launch and enhance the customer experience from the outset, we supported SEP Hydrographic with a new Hubspot Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. We designed the company sales cycle, added the brochures as shareable documents and designed the marketing email to support the launch. 

Launch activity

To maximise the launch, we set up social media accounts with consistent branding throughout to help the company be recognisable from the outset. Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook were selected as the most appropriate channels for SEP Hydrographic. We then designed a schedule of eight messages to be scheduled over the initial two weeks post-launch. These initial messages focus on the new business, the arrival of the company's survey vessel and the services offered. The posts are a combination of imagery, infographics, gifs, and video, and promote the company's tagline of 'Capture reality' as a hashtag.

Tripsite weather module

Superior reporting with the Nifty Portal

We set up a Nifty Portal for SEP Hydrographic, which provides an all-in-one reporting system for all social media and Google Analytics performance. Various reports allow you to understand overall combined social media performance or drill down into individual channels, as well as overlay social media activity on website traffic. 

A few words from the client...

Paul Dodd, Director at SEP Hydrographic had this to say about working with us:

"Nifty Solutions provided us with exceptional service to support our new business launch. Within a matter of weeks, we were well-equipped with all the marketing communication tools we needed to start our new business. A huge thank you to Pete and his team!"

We look forward to continuing to develop the SEP Hydrographic website and marketing content to support their future growth. 

SEP Hydrographic