Nifty Guide to Brand Storytelling

Nifty Guide to Brand Storytelling

Heather Blackford
Heather Blackford
10 August 2020
Social Media

Storytelling for brands is a way of creating lasting, meaningful connections with an audience.

What is brand storytelling?

As we move further into the age of digital marketing, it has become more challenging to create points of differentiation and memorable messaging. Your audience is bombarded from dawn until dusk with marketing communications from endless brands vying for their attention.  

Brand storytelling can cover a range of factors. By celebrating your accomplishments, sharing your challenges and recognising your milestones, your brand takes on a more relatable persona that encourages a deeper connection with your audience.

Why is brand storytelling important?

Why is brand storytelling important?

Storytelling gives marketers a way to cut through the noise and connect on a deeper level with the audience. The best part is that since storytelling has been a part of humanity for thousands of years, we have a pretty good idea at how it should be done well. 

Why does brand storytelling work?

Brand storytelling taps into human emotion in a way that superficial messaging often fails to. Stories have the capability to delight, touch, encourage, excite and inspire us. By engaging us emotionally, stories create memorable pictures in our mind in comparison to basic messaging. 

How to start brand storytelling

It's time to learn all about your brand! By speaking to key stakeholders, you will identify points of interest to start developing your brand story.

Your story can be delivered using a variety of media. By combining compelling visuals with persuasive and emotive language, your story can start to come to life. As valuable content, you may consider repurposing for various channels to maximise the usefulness of the story. You could post to your blog on your website, develop a video to share online, create a social graphic or infographic, or even host a podcast.  

How to start brand storytelling

A few ideas to get started:

  • How and why was your company founded? What is your raison d'être, and how do you continue to help your customers today?
  • What anniversaries and milestones does your company celebrate?
  • Introduce employees by asking a few questions about their role and why they enjoy working for the company. 
  • Speak to customers - how has your company solved their problems?
  • Do you have great supplier relationships you can talk about? 
  • Does your brand have a particular difficulty or challenge that it has overcome? How was this achieved, and what was learned along the way?
  • Where do you see your company in the future, and how can you bring your customers along?
brand storytelling ideas

Know your audience 

Understanding what will resonate and land with your audience is the first key to success with storytelling.

Set the tone

By nailing the tone of voice of your audience, your content is more likely to perform better.

Make your audience the hero

Place your audience front and centre in your story, create the content for their benefit. 

Include emotive language

Don't be afraid to use emotive or sensual language to help your audience connect with the story.

Take your audience on a journey

Consider the structure of your story - is there a beginning, middle and end?

Get in touch

If you are interested in our content creation services, get in touch to learn more!